YOUNG ROBINHOOD: English and Scotish Fairy Tales of Francis James Child
As Retold By Connlyn Sinclair
$19.99 – $31.99
The Write Bridge Literary journal. Select articles, poems, fiction, plays and artwork from authors and artists with powerful voices.
Read the Online Journal Here:
The Amity Literary Prize is an award honoring authors of unpublished non-fiction, fiction, YA, collections of short fiction, and poetry collections.
The 2023 Prize Winner is Chad V Broughman for “The Fall of Bellwether”
The Amity Literary Prize Finalists 2023
Thaddeus Duggon, A Record of Change
Beth Gullley, Frog Joy
Debra Irisk, Life Moments
J.A. McGovern, Words Left Unspoken
The Fall of Bellwether
By Chad V. Broughman
$24.99 – $39.99
Chad V. Broughman’s “The Fall of Bellwether” is a multiple prize winner! Winner of The Hawthorne Prize 2024. Winner of The American Writing Award for Best Historical Fiction. Read their review.
The Hawthorne Prize is an elite writing award founded by in honor of renowned American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne.
“Broughman has created an American epic, a grand story that stretches across land and water, time and race, gender and religion. … as characters go off to war, flee to cities, and escape the terrors of slavery, we encounter the awesome forces of mercy, hope, even forgiveness. Broughman’s prose sweeps from achingly tender to brutal and bare-knuckled, his prowess managing multiple voices and tensions. …brazenly beautiful writing.” —John Mauk, author of Field Notes for the Earthbound
New Humor/Essay
Dead Sure is a tight noir crime spoof that moves along at a blistering pace, with surprises around every corner. The story is soaked in its hometown of Boston, with entertaining characters whose voices you can practically hear. Protagonist assassin Millie Henshaw is one tough broad who doesn’t take crap from anyone. If you enjoy a satisfying, down-and-dirty noir mystery, you cannot go wrong with Dead Sure!
—Amber Fraley, Author of Kansas GenExistential and The Bug Diary
New Mystery/Detective
New Young Adult Books
New Children’s Books
YOUNG ROBINHOOD: English and Scotish Fairy Tales of Francis James Child
As Retold By Connlyn Sinclair
$19.99 – $31.99
Find author contact information on each author’s page here
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Historical Fiction Books
The Harry Przewalsky Mystery Series
The Sydney Lockhart Mystery Series
Mystery and Detective Series Specials
Limited Collector’s Edition of Fractals: Fractal Art | 8 x 10.88 | 144 pages
By Jack Cleveland
$29.99 – $46.49
Poetry Collections & Anthologies
New Adult & Young Adult Fiction
Children’s Books & Coloring Books
English and Scotish Fairy Tales of Francis James Child
As Retold By Connlyn Sinclair
$19.99 – $31.99
The Tree Who Walked Through Time: A Tree Identification Story
By Stan Herd, Lisa Grossman, Paul Hotvedt, and other contributing artists
$29.99 – $36.99
Audio Books
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Anamcara Press publishes emerging writers with powerful voices. Born on the banks of the Kansas River in historic Lawrence, Kansas, Anamcara Press is a scrappy, independent publisher that follows a traditional model and publishes under ten books per year including poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. We are especially proud of our non-profit projects that contribute to children’s art education. Our goal is to serve community and the planet, and create a bridge with words. We publish an online magazine called, The Write Bridge, and urge readers to “mind the gap.”
Anamcara Press currently accepts unagented submissions. Please include a cover letter with your submission with a description of your book, and explain why you think your book is a good fit for Anamcara Press. For more information, please contact Maureen (Micki) Carroll.