WRITING TIP 002: Annihilate Adjectives. Authors “show” by describing action. Get into the character’s senses — what do they hear, see, touch, smell, taste — by using action verbs instead of adjectives. But how can you make your character three dimensional?



WRITING TIP 001: WRITE BADLY. Because most writing is actually revision, it doesn’t matter exactly what you get on the page to begin with, as long as there is enough content to edit later. But how do you get words on the page when you have writer’s block?


How to Serialize Your Novel

There are many serialization places with many different deals for authors. All will cost you something. You need to either have a finished book ready to serialize, or you will need to commit to a vigorous schedule to meet the demand of readers (up to 60,000 words per week.) There are some problems with serialization that have resulted in loss of its popularity of late. Here are a few:

How to Serialize Your Novel Read More »

AN AUTHOR’S HALLOWEEN NIGHTMARE: The Publisher disappears . . .

You worked for years on the manuscript. Polished it with the help of friends and family, Shopped it around to agents and publishers. You agonized over the cover and lost sleep when you found the type-o in the crisp, newly-printed final copy. Enormous effort and time has gone into creating that six by nine inch bundle of compressed paper — like mini plywood dreams you carry them forth into the future in order to connect your writing with others. So what happens when all that work just disappears?

AN AUTHOR’S HALLOWEEN NIGHTMARE: The Publisher disappears . . . Read More »

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